Chess Board Test

ChessBoard("board1", { pieceTheme: "\/img\/chesspieces\/wikipedia\//{piece}.png", showErrors: 'console', position: "4kbnr\/2Bq4\/p3pp2\/2Q3pp\/3P4\/4PN1P\/PPP2PP1\/R3K2R b KQk - 0 16" });

January 18, 2022

Restart and Reschedule

At work, we have been somewhat puzzled by two concepts in HashiCorp Nomad: Restart and reschedule. As per the documentation, which has been updated to be more approachable - very appreciated. Restart configures a tasks behavior on task failure Reschedule configures a groups rescheduling strategy. Initially, there is a common pattern used in the Nomad job specs. The restart stanza can be specified at a task level and a group level....

October 11, 2021